IObit Applock - The Best Privacy Protection Software For Android
IObit Applock locks apps with a password. Whenever you attempt to open an app, IObit Applock asks for a password. This prevents unauthorized people from accessing the app. It also allows multiple app opens, and you can set a different timer for each app. To activate the app lock, go to Settings > General and tap on Notification Lock. You will then see a lock icon on the screen.
IObit Applock's password-protection feature prevents unauthorized people from viewing your personal data. By locking down your phone, it keeps your personal content private and prevents unauthorized users from spying on your activities. It also prevents your children from tampering with settings or making in-app purchases. In addition to locking apps, IObit Applock allows you to disable notifications and hide head-ups.
IObit Applock comes with a face recognition technology that has recently been released as a beta version. This new feature isn't ready for general release yet, so you need to sign up to become a beta tester before using it. If you use this feature on a non-business device, you'll need to turn off Usage Data Access. IObit Applock will lock apps within seconds. During the process, you can even unlock the phone using your fingerprint or face.
IObit Applock has the potential to protect your private information with its powerful features. By locking individual apps, switches, and other settings, you can prevent thieves and spies from accessing your personal information. You can also block in-app purchases by using this app. The IObit Applock is available for free for Android 4.0 and higher. It's available in English, Spanish, German, and Chinese. So, what are you waiting for? Get the best privacy protection application today!